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what’s a good payrate for Equatorial Guinea?

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates what’s a good payrate for Equatorial Guinea?

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    Backwoods & Mag50……..

    If your coming down to Melabo there is a good chance your coming on a Sonsub job…….If so were ready and waiting for all you Yankee boys….been reading your posts but were not sure which one is a pilot and which one of you is the Tech….As we all know you Yanks cant do both……ha ha ha ha…..

    See you soon boys……..


    Let’s stay on topic


    Its not about brit’s and Americans, tech and pilots, its about working together as a team. Working together to provide a service to our clients in a safe and professional manner. No matter where you come from we still must look at the fact that we are members of the ROV industry and unity is the only way we can protect our interest as a whole in this rare field.
    I personnel don’t care where a person is from as long as they promote team work and are focus on getting the job done safely. We must remember that if we are going to Represent ourselves as a strong ROV PERSONNEL UNIT in this industry, we must promote UNITY.
    Sure we joke around sometimes and things may get out of hand.
    We can chose to continue to look at our difference or improve our similarities.
    Im finished with this type of nonproductive discussion pertaining to Brit’s and American and Focus on the TOPIC AND HAND (Equitorial Guinea). There are good and bad in both groups.
    There is a job to be done so let’s getting it done. Safely

    Have a safe hitch

    Peace and Respect


    I’m going on a subsea 7 job.


    "been reading your posts but were not sure which one is a pilot and which one of you is the Tech….As we all know you Yanks cant do both……ha ha ha ha"

    Can’t do either full stop in my expeirence dem good o’l boys. Did like the bit about brits and there teeth though, I always thought there was loads of joke shops in the southern states selling billy bob falsers until someone pointed out to me that all good o’l boys are born with fangs like that, and the women in the southern states? nuff said!
    Thought I had landed on the moon first time I went to the Gulf, shit vessels shit systems (Canyon and Sonsub) shit everything. Couldn’t work for OI as I didn’t have dungarees and a denim shirt with the obligatory confederate flag and god knows what other crap iron on patches, was a shame that as I really wanted to work for OI America? The only saving grace was that I was on more than double what the septic supervisor was on (and once I got there I could see why) O well never mind eh. And the ops manager in ABZ told me before I went not to tell the septics what I was on, wonder why he said that? but once they started telling me about shooting road signs and refridgerators and I’m not kidding when I say this it was all they talked about I had to tell the opo supervisor what was on, which in hindsight was one of the best moves I have ever made as none of them spoke to me for the rest of the trip, shame.
    I think it’s a pity dubya is not staying on for another term as he could of taken the USofA from and 2nd world country to a 3rd world country in four years no problem!

    America F**k Yeah


    O well you will be safe now then as I’m sure there won’t be any S club brits down in EG that don’t read Rovworld now and then.


    Brings back memories this, I remember a few years back we had a septic come on a vessel in the NS selling himself as a non technical Pilot Superintendent (but was on as sub eng), ex OI by the way, so first shift came along and this septic sits in the back ground for 6 hours not taking his eyes of the monitors for a second, I think we were changing out SCM’s on trees so a couple of guide wires with Imenco’s connected to guide posts and 2 crane wires in the drink at the same time, 1 crane wire with work basket about 10 off seabed and one attached to SCM running tool. Anyway so after watching proceedings for 6 hours and not uttering a word, said non technical pilot superintedent anounced "right boys time to let an expert in the seat and show yawl how it’s done" happily I stood up and let him in so I could go for dinner. So standing in the que waiting to get some grub the phone in the galley goes, low and behold it was the online surveyor screaming at me to get my arse back up to the control room/online NOW.
    So screams up the stairs to find the septic had gone through the guide wires from the wrong side and some how managed to squeeze between 1 of the guide wires and the crane wire that was attached to the running tool, (O by the way this was to get to the work basket) and had wrapped himself around the crane wire twice in an attempt to get a tool out of the basket. So after taking in what was going on and showing him by looking up with the top SIT the situation he had got himself into I asked in the nicest possible way that he should let me in before something went wrong, which he wasn’t to pleased with. septic buggers off in a sulk, so the pilot tech that was on shift with us started telling me what happened, said expert was told by bridge engineer to go and get the valve paddle tool for the running tool, off he goes in a vain attempt to find the basket, knowing within about 10 seconds that the useless c**t didn’t have a clue what he was doing the pt pointed at the nav and asked where are you going, septic said "to find the basket you fucking idiot" pt says "look at the nav your heading away from it" septic says "nav what the fucks nav" pt explains and from the respose the pt got the septic had no idea or even heard of nav before so septic says "we don’t use what ever the f**k that is in the GOM only you f*****g pussy brits need that kind of shit now shut the f**k up" septic turns sub around and heads back still not knowing where he is going, pt says "check your sonar guide wires are about 20 meters ahead" septic says "shut the f**k up boy i’ve been doing this 20 f*****g years and you think i’m gonna listen to a jumped up little punk like you" it is at this point that the online surveyor picks up the phone.

    So situation sorted valves operated and SCM out of tree and Imenco’s released and still no dinner yet I turn round to see septic with wrap around glasses on, saftey type with yellow lenses, so saying nothing I turn to pt and say get in the seat and just watch Imenco’s go through the guides and not get snagged up on anything once they are clear stop them coming up on the winches and then tell the bridge to recover the SCM, i’m off for dinner. As i pass the septic on my way to dinner I ask him what the glasses are for to which he replies "I forgot to put them on earlier these are my flying glasses" to which I said "what are they prescription glasses?" septic says "no man they give me a better field of vision, sorts of lets me see 3D thats why I f****d up earlier man didn’t have my flying glasses on" walked away and managed not to laugh until i was down the stairs then I think I wet myself. getting all sorts of strange looks from passers by.
    Had my dinner and headed back up the stairs thinking all would be well, strolls into control room to see septic with his flying glasses on back in the hot seat, a little perplexed I looked at the pt with that look of what the f**k, to which the pt shrugged but said nothing. by this time I couldn’t ask politley for him to let me in. So i walked over to him took the "flying glasses" off his head and put them on myself and looked at the monitors with a confused look on my face, at which point septic says "hey mother f****r what the fuck you doin you c**k sucker give me back my flying glasses" to which I replied "well I just wanted to check that i see the same thing you do through these flying glasses" septic "what the f**k do you mean man" me "well don’t you see the f*****g work basket smashing into the sub on the latch camera" septic "wasn’t me man some f****r must moved the vessel"
    He had managed to wrap himself round the crane wire again and ended up underneath the basket?????? Told him to get th f**k out of my sight before I killed him, to which he did.
    Septic goes off sulking again, pt explains what happened, as soon as I left to go for dinner septic told the pt to get the f**K out of the seat as he was the "expert" so pt did what he was told only to go to the phone to phone me to tell me what was going on to which the septic screams anyone pick up that phone and I will f*****g kill them. Nuff said I think.

    Moral of this story never work with Americans!!!!!!


    A good pay rate for an experienced ROV pilot/technician anywhere is $1000 USD per day at least.This is what other offshore trades are earning.
    Why is the ROV industry any different.I can see with the massive influx of trainees into the industry the dayrate never increasing much,and companies now starting to take on cheaper personnel because they damn well know they can get away with it,and that some will accept it…..Seems like the only place to work with a decent dayrate is oz right now and thats only because of the unions………..

    James McLauchlan

    Can we please give up on the yank bashing! This thread is not about which nationality is better or worse offshore.

    There have been some constructive posts added to this thread from all sides of the pond lets try and keep it that way.



    In nearly twenty years, I’m into double figures of named similar and worse septics as you describe unfortuanatley Im now so bitter I dont find them funny any more and my personel ratio is about 12 dire to 1 good which is not helpfull or incouraging.
    Its like backwoods et al are reluctant to change with all the helpfull advice we give them, hints on there ability to fit it whistling the tune silence is golden etc etc.
    They’ve worn me down over the years these Cuun asses to a point where I will try all means possible not to have the hassle of them on the job with any leverage I have in the first place.

    Cant we run some kind of personel training school for them with a 3 strikes and your out thing once on the job???

    Andy Shiers

    Now that ………………. Would be good for everyone I be thinking 🙂
    To remove trouble makers/Crap pilots / Paedifiles 👿 or Non team players would be helpful to our industry


    Oh no, the brits are coming the brits are coming… it would seem to me that you boys can’t take what you try and put out, did I piss in your tea?? It is very seldom that I read anything on this site that some or most of you just have to make comments about us. But when someone turns it around, oh well then you get your knickers in a mess don’t you. I’m sure the more you talk the better you feel, yep I bet by now your teeth are strait and everything.
    But you did just what I thought you would do when someone said something about you. Just goes to show you that if you can’t take it you need to keep that crap to yourself. I’m sick of these little smart butt remarks that you brits make on here. So if you don’t like me telling you what I feel to be the truth you need watch your mouth, don’t you mate. There’s no reason that we can’t share info on this site and help each other. But I swear, these little comments…… if your going to make them I’ll make them too.
    Love ya lots, kisses and hugs…


    Backwoods & Mag50……..

    If your coming down to Melabo there is a good chance your coming on a Sonsub job…….If so were ready and waiting for all you Yankee boys….been reading your posts but were not sure which one is a pilot and which one of you is the Tech….As we all know you Yanks cant do both……ha ha ha ha…..

    See you soon boys……..

    I worked for Sonsub for a year on the Chloe Candies; got real tired of all their crap so I’m over at C-Innovation now. I’m a Supervisor and I tech and pilot, I’m not an ET by any means. I have 20 years in the oil field, I’ve done everything from wireline, coil tubing, safety, crane operator and I was the supervising welder for Warrior Energy Services for 9 years. I’ve built and designed more oil field equipment then most people have seen. So this yank does it all, 8)

    Jason Graham

    Backwoods & Mag50……..

    If your coming down to Melabo there is a good chance your coming on a Sonsub job…….If so were ready and waiting for all you Yankee boys….been reading your posts but were not sure which one is a pilot and which one of you is the Tech….As we all know you Yanks cant do both……ha ha ha ha…..

    See you soon boys……..

    I worked for Sonsub for a year on the Chloe Candies; got real tired of all their crap so I’m over at C-Innovation now. I’m a Supervisor and I tech and pilot, I’m not an ET by any means. I have 20 years in the oil field, I’ve done everything from wireline, coil tubing, safety, crane operator and I was the supervising welder for Warrior Energy Services for 9 years. I’ve built and designed more oil field equipment then most people have seen. So this yank does it all, 8)

    [Content edited by admin]

    Scott Beveridge


    Thread is out of control..

    To all of you "other-than-my-own-country-bashers", you’re way off topic, there’s loads of spelling mistakes, and you’re acting like a litter of puppies.

    There’s a few of you 5 & 10 year wonders there that have made major mistakes. Get over it and get back on topic.

    E. Guinea…. P/T dayrate should be between US 725 – 800 (if you get higher, GREAT!!! Keep it rising!)

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